Rachel Carson wrote: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” (The Sense of Wonder, 1965)
On May 27th, Rachel Carson’s Birthday – Decide to: Launch A Place for Wonder.
Take step 1 within a week of her birthday.
Follow up with steps 2-6 in 2015 and beyond.
1) Grow plants that are beautiful and can feed bees and butterflies: Set aside an area in your yard/garden or a container on your balcony/patio with soil not previously treated with toxic chemicals. Consult RCLA’s Native Plant Mini List (see web site) or another reliable source to assure selections are appropriate. Be certain plants were not exposed earlier to toxic chemical pesticides. For example: You could plant parsley, common milkweed, and aster for butterflies or anise hyssop, mountain mint and goldenrod for bees.
2) Embrace ecological growing methods to help keep the plants you have chosen healthy and free of dangerous chemicals. (See: Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, ed. Pauline Pears, DK Publishing, 2005)
3) Relax and enjoy watching colorful visitors to your plants, and being part of a national effort to help reverse the decline in pollinator and butterfly populations.
4) If you are pleased with your “Place for Wonder,” plan to convert your entire garden to ecological practices for the 2016 growing season.
5) Talk about your success with friends. Help them develop strategies to encourage ecological gardening practices in your neighborhood, town, state, and country for 2016.
6) Follow through and let us know how it is working.
Contact us: rachelcarsonlandmark@verizon.net