About the Alliance:
Officers & Directors

Dr. Diana Post a veterinarian by training has worked in companion animal practice and for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She was the Executive Director, then the President of the Rachel Carson Council from 1992 to 2013. Since 2014 she has been working with the Rachel Carson Landmark Alliance an environmental educational organization located in the historic house where Silent Spring was written. Her focus is on protecting wildlife, pets and people from pesticides’ adverse effects, promoting the benefits of ecosystem services, and furthering Rachel Carson’s vision.
Vice President Ross A. Feldner
A graphic designer by training, Ross was Art Director at several DC ad agencies until he started his own design firm New Age Graphics in 1983 which he currently owns and operates. An avid birder and supporter of various “green” groups in the Washington Metro area including Green Wheaton, Ross is currently the editor & designer for the Friends of Patuxent Wildlife Refuge Newsletter and enjoys volunteering at the refuge as well as hiking, birding & photographing its natural splendor. Ross also sits on the Board of Directors of the Rachel Carson Council, an organization started after Rachel’s death to carry on her work.
Director Kate Campbell Stevenson
Kate Campbell Stevenson is a professional singer, actor, producer and a devoted catalyst for environmental and women’s issues, In 1995 she combined her passion for the arts and activism to create a series of one-woman shows, Women: Back to the Future. Through song and monologue Stevenson brings to life historical American women who have changed the world. Rachel Carson is one of her most requested featured women! Today her motivational programs inspire audiences of all ages throughout the United States and provide positive role models for a new generation of leaders. A life long community activist, recognized as “2012 Maryland Top 100 Women” by The Daily Record for her “significant professional accomplishments, outstanding community leadership and inspirational mentoring.
Liam Goodman is a professional photographer and artist with a life-long interest in the natural world and an appreciation for Rachel Carson. His photography has been featured in Vogue, Vanity Fair, Gladys, Town & Country, and California Home & Garden, his art in the Matteawan Gallery, Gallery G, Beacon Open Galleries, and galleries in San Francisco and New York City. His fascination with photography began with nature, its wonders, its lyric beauty, and its myriad patterns and textures. Liam is inspired by Rachel Carson, her dedication and courage in disseminating information about pesticides and her eloquent support for the sense of wonder. Liam enjoys hiking, camping and spending time in wild nature. Liam’s concerns include finding ways to share Carson’s love of nature with our young people, including his own child, and helping people find green alternatives to make the world a better one for this and future generations.
Agnes Wajdyk is an artist and retired entrepreneur with a wide interest in environmental issues, and an active desire to make a difference through her actions. Her artistic training helps her to come up with creative suggestions and solutions. In general, she promotes a less toxic approach to situations involving the use of chemicals. Among her more specific interests are education (less toxic art supplies) and gardening (totally organic). She is a founding member of the Philadelphia area Pennypack Environmental Club and has served as a consultant to the RCLA. Ms. Wajdyk has studied management and legal issues of 501(c)(3) organizations so that she can make a fuller contribution to the nonprofit community.